Voici une expression que l'on entend de plus en plus souvent en France. S'il n'y avait pas la triste réalité des divorces à la chaîne et des recompositions familiales plus ou moins aléatoires, cette expression me ferait l'effet d'une mode passagère. Mais à mon grand dam, les gens ne jurent plus que par cela, et, jeunes, vieux, avec ou sans enfants, ils n'ont plus que cela à la bouche !
That is an expression which we can hear more and more often in our societies, at least in France. In another context, if it were not for the sad divorce stories and fragile reconstituted families, I would take this expression as a fashion which would soon vanish. However, to my great displeasure, it seems that people today only swear by that; whether they're old or young, already have children or not, these words keep coming back.
That is an expression which we can hear more and more often in our societies, at least in France. In another context, if it were not for the sad divorce stories and fragile reconstituted families, I would take this expression as a fashion which would soon vanish. However, to my great displeasure, it seems that people today only swear by that; whether they're old or young, already have children or not, these words keep coming back.
La dernière fois que l'on m'a proposé cela, j'ai répondu que je n'étais pas intéressée par un bout de chemin car j'espérais - ô éternelle naïve - que lorsque je me marierais ce serait pour la vie*. Mon interlocuteur a alors affirmé qu'il employait cette expression afin de ne pas me faire peur, parce que d'après lui - et hélas je pense qu'il a raison - de nos jours proposer à quelqu'un de passer les quarante prochaines années à construire une famille ensemble, cela fait fuir. Aie, mauvaise réponse ! Sa crainte me semblait tout à fait légitime, mais visiblement il ne me connaissait pas assez, sans quoi il aurait su qu'il pouvait sans me brusquer me proposer autre chose qu'un "bout de chemin". Pour sa défense, c'est vrai qu'on ne se connaissait pas assez... pas assez pour se lancer dans quoi que soit d'ailleurs, pas même un bout de chemin.
Last time someone offered me that perspective, I answered I was not interested in "trying and seeing how it goes"*, because as the biggest naive in the world, I secretely hoped to get married for life. Then my interlocutor claimed he used this expression in order not to scare me as, according to him, the best way to get someone to run away nowadays is to offer him/her to spend the next forty years building a family together... and unfortunately I think his remark is realistic. But still, this was a wrong answer! I totally understoord his fear but he didn't obviously know me well enough or he would have known he could offer me more than "trying and seeing how it goes", without scaring me or whatever. For his defense, it's true we didn't know each other well enough... not well enough to build a life together... and certainly not well enough to start "trying and seeing how it goes"...
Last time someone offered me that perspective, I answered I was not interested in "trying and seeing how it goes"*, because as the biggest naive in the world, I secretely hoped to get married for life. Then my interlocutor claimed he used this expression in order not to scare me as, according to him, the best way to get someone to run away nowadays is to offer him/her to spend the next forty years building a family together... and unfortunately I think his remark is realistic. But still, this was a wrong answer! I totally understoord his fear but he didn't obviously know me well enough or he would have known he could offer me more than "trying and seeing how it goes", without scaring me or whatever. For his defense, it's true we didn't know each other well enough... not well enough to build a life together... and certainly not well enough to start "trying and seeing how it goes"...
Bien entendu, nul ne sait de quoi demain sera fait et nous avons chacun un seuil de tolérance au-delà duquel il devient impossible de continuer. Des problématiques aussi importantes que l'infidélité, la violence conjugale, les dettes ou même le désaccord sur le fait ou non d'avoir des enfants peuvent détruire un couple à plus ou moins long terme. Et l'on a beau en discuter avant de s'engager, certains sujets surgissent soudainement après vingt ou trente années de mariage, et même s'il se trouve toujours quelqu'un dans notre entourage pour nous dire "je le savais", bien souvent il était impossible de prévoir ce qui allait se produire.
Of course we don't know what the future holds in store and for each of us there is a threshold beyond which it becomes impossible to keep going. Such issues like infidelity, domestic violence, debts or even arguments about whether having children or not can destroy a couple on a short or long term basis. And even if we try to cover all possible subjects before getting married, some of them just emerge one day after twenty years of marriage; and even if there is usually someone in your relatives who comes up with a "I told you so", most of the times it was definitely not possible to predict what would happened.
Of course we don't know what the future holds in store and for each of us there is a threshold beyond which it becomes impossible to keep going. Such issues like infidelity, domestic violence, debts or even arguments about whether having children or not can destroy a couple on a short or long term basis. And even if we try to cover all possible subjects before getting married, some of them just emerge one day after twenty years of marriage; and even if there is usually someone in your relatives who comes up with a "I told you so", most of the times it was definitely not possible to predict what would happened.
Pour en revenir à ce fameux bout de chemin, je vous pose la question : une fois que j'aurai fait un bout de chemin avec une demi-douzaine de personnes, que me restera-t-il au juste ? Si je suis chanceuse, j'aurai peut-être fait quelques enfants en chemin et sauvé un appartement de la mêlée. Si je le suis moins, aucun d'eux n'aura voulu m'accorder cette joie parce que conscient de cette éphémère relation, et mes économies se seront envolées. Admettons. Et après ? Dans les deux cas, je me retrouverai seule à ramasser des bribes de souvenirs d'harmonie et de partage et à tenter de les assembler dans l'espoir d'en faire un tout cohérent. Sans doute je regarderai avec une pointe d'envie ces vieux couples qui ont traversé les pires épreuves ensemble et seront à jamais liés par un passé et des souvenirs communs, aussi banals soient-ils. Mais en attendant la vieillesse, quelle sera ma vie quotidienne aux côtés de toutes ces personnes qui ne souhaitent pas s'engager et n'envisagent jamais que le court-terme ?
To come back on this "let's try and see how it goes", I can't help wondering what will be left of me after I'll have tried half-a-dozen men but finally will have ended up single once more. If I'm lucky, perhaps I'll have several children from one or the other, and perhaps an apartment also. If I'm not lucky, none of them will have given me this honor - that'd be logical as they were perfectly aware of the impermanence of our relationship - and all my savings will be gone. OK, that's life, but let's start from that point. In both cases, I'll end up trying to gather recollections of sharing or harmony, with the secret hope that if I stick them back together it will all make sense. And no doubt I'll be watching longingly these old couples who went through the worst times together and are today bound by shared past and memories, even if many of these memories are quite ordinary. But until I'm that old, how do you think daily life will look, with someone on my side who clearly doesn't want to commit and is afraid of looking beyond short-term?
On me dit que lorsque l'on s'est brûlé les ailes, on ne retrouve jamais la naïveté que l'on avait auparavant, qu'à cause des échecs les rêves sont brisés, et que l'on n'arrive plus à faire confiance. Je regrette : toutes ces excuses sont pour moi autant de prétextes invoqués pour fuir les responsabilités qui nous incombent lorsque l'on s'engage avec une personne. Les échecs ne dénaturent pas notre âme, au contraire : ils nous apprennent à être prudents et nous renseignent sur nos priorités et notre seuil de tolérance. Quitter une personne que l'on aime profondément lorsque l'on découvre qu'elle n'a aucune intention d'avoir des enfants et que bien qu'elle n'ait rien voulu dire, sa résolution était ferme depuis le premier jour, c'est une décision douloureuse ; néanmoins elle témoigne de l'importance qu'ont les enfants aux yeux de celui ou celle qui la prend. Mettre un terme à la violence conjugale ne garantira certes pas qu'on réussira à surmonter l'horreur que l'on a vécue, mais ce sera un premier pas vers la transformation de cette expérience en quelque chose de plus positif. Aussi l'excuse de la fatalité ne tient-elle pas. Avoir espéré dans sa jeunesse finir sa vie avec son grand amour et avoir vu cet espoir déçu ne justifie pas de se limiter à des histoires dont on sait dès le début qu'elles ne dureront pas* et qui de ce fait n'auront pas plus de profondeur que d'intérêt.
Some people say that after flying too close to the sun, you've lost your innocence, that bad experiences lead to broken dreams and that afterwards it's getting more and more difficult to trust someone else. Sorry but to my eyes, all these reasons are just excuses put forward to escape the responsibilities coming from committing with someone. Bad experiences don't alter our soul, on the contrary they teach us to be more careful and inform us on our priorities and our tolerance limit. It's hard to leave a man you deeply love when you discover he has absolutely no intention of having children with you and that he knew it from the beginning but didn't want to tell. This is a difficult decision; however it's only evidencing how important children are for the person who decides to leave. To put an end to domestic violence won't guaranty that you'll easily overcome what you've been through, but it'll be the first step towards transforming this horrible experience into something more positive. So I don't buy the excuse of a kind of fatality who would prevent us from starting from scratch with no pain left from last relationship. To have dreamed that you'll end up marrying your teenage love and to have been deceived is no justification for focusing now on superficial and void relationships, that are from the beginning supposed to get to an end*.
Some people say that after flying too close to the sun, you've lost your innocence, that bad experiences lead to broken dreams and that afterwards it's getting more and more difficult to trust someone else. Sorry but to my eyes, all these reasons are just excuses put forward to escape the responsibilities coming from committing with someone. Bad experiences don't alter our soul, on the contrary they teach us to be more careful and inform us on our priorities and our tolerance limit. It's hard to leave a man you deeply love when you discover he has absolutely no intention of having children with you and that he knew it from the beginning but didn't want to tell. This is a difficult decision; however it's only evidencing how important children are for the person who decides to leave. To put an end to domestic violence won't guaranty that you'll easily overcome what you've been through, but it'll be the first step towards transforming this horrible experience into something more positive. So I don't buy the excuse of a kind of fatality who would prevent us from starting from scratch with no pain left from last relationship. To have dreamed that you'll end up marrying your teenage love and to have been deceived is no justification for focusing now on superficial and void relationships, that are from the beginning supposed to get to an end*.
S'engager envers quelqu'un c'est prendre le risque de souffrir par amour, mais aussi de faire souffrir l'autre. Mais à moins de se lancer corps et âme malgré les écueils, on ne tiendra que du vent ; car aimer vraiment implique une pureté et une profondeur dans les sentiments, un recul et une persévérance peu compatibles avec l'idée de construire du temporaire, quand bien même ce temporaire serait finalement appelé à durer. L'objet de notre affection n'est pas responsable des malheurs de notre passé ; n'est-il pas injuste alors de lui faire porter le fardeau de nos rancunes et de nos regrets, en lui refusant l'enthousiasme et la spontanéité offerts à notre tout premier amour ? Nous ne devrions jamais cesser d'aspirer au meilleur pour nous et pour ceux que nous aimons, et "un bout de chemin", ce n'est pas suffisant ; nous méritons mieux que cela, j'en suis intimement persuadée.
Committing with someone means taking the risk to be hurt by love but also to hurt the one you love. However, unless you throw yourself body and soul in the adventure, you'll only grasp thin air; because true love requires pure and deep feelings, some perspective on things and a dedication that are barely compatible with the idea of a temporary relationship, even if eventually it turns out to be steady. The loved one isn't responsible for the sufferings from our past, so don't you thing it would be unfair to load him/her with our own burden of regrets and resentment? Don't you think it would unfair also to deprive him/her of the enthusiasm and innocence that we heartily offered our very first love? We shouldn't give up wishing the best for us and for the people we love, and I'm thoroughly convinced that we deserve better than just a "let's try and see how it goes".
*Le terme est révélateur: le bout de chemin est comme un bail de location, on le renouvelle chaque année si on est satisfait et si ce n'est pas le cas, on déménage.
*In French, the expression "bout de chemin" suggests that we find a companion for "one part of the road". It's a bit like a renting agreement: you're satisfied so you renew it; you're not, you move out and settle elsewhere.
*Le terme est révélateur: le bout de chemin est comme un bail de location, on le renouvelle chaque année si on est satisfait et si ce n'est pas le cas, on déménage.
*In French, the expression "bout de chemin" suggests that we find a companion for "one part of the road". It's a bit like a renting agreement: you're satisfied so you renew it; you're not, you move out and settle elsewhere.
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